
PupilScreen Research

Research involved implementing a deconvolution neural network for pixel wise segmentation of the human pupil. The change in pupil diameter over time when exposed to light helps in predicting traumatic brain injury by using a box and a smartphone camera. I co-authored a research paper that was accepted by the IMWUT.

Bilicam Research

Research involved detecting new born babies with jaundice using the camera of a smartphone. Implemented an authentication system for the administrator console to be accesed by doctors and patients. Worked on optimizing the linear regression script by improving the data collection and processing layers.


Implemented an algorithm to efficiently find the shortest path between various locations on google maps. Takes into account traffic, time to travel, signals and previous congestion records.


Implemented alpha-beta and Jamboree algorithms to make chess bots. Developed heuristics with success rate of 80% against a master level bot.

Wiki CLI

Implemented a command line tool to search for anything on wikipedia. Can select the output to be in the desired format. Most useful of those formats is the HTML format which produces a new file with the search result.


Web-App of all the startup resources and side projects in and around campus. Allows users to add projects, up-vote them and build a "startup-social" network.

Maxmind’s GeoIP

Implemented an algorithm to make location tracking using IP addresses 3 times faster than before. Used the more recent GeoIP 2. Product is currently being used by over 100+ companies


A social network to express emotions more personally than Facebook or Twitter. Uses color gradient sliders to record the user's emotions. Displays these emotions in the news feed of your friends to make it a conversation starter. Won the Disney's best app award at DubHacks (2015).

Code AutoCorrector

Designed and implemented an autocorrector on CLI. Helps in correcting code during the Clevertap API implementation.

Prime Number Generator

Wrote an algorithm in JavaScript to calculate all the prime numbers using the most efficient way. Used the Sieve of Eratosthenes method. Can produce a million prime numbers at a time.


Android application that lets you create habits to follow in your daily life. Keeps record of logs and rewards you for completing the habits.


Designed and created the StartupUW website

Jalpa Tours & Travels

End to end development of the company's website. Currently working on making a mobile app of the startup.


DubHacks 2014, 2015

Worked with OpenCV (2014). Made web-app and implemented the backend using Node.js and Postgres (2015)

CodeDay 2014, 2015

Worked with the Spotify API to make a personalized music shuffler (2014). Made the Habitat's android application and implemented the backend using Node.js and MongoDB (2015)

AngleHacks 2015

Worked on making an app using BitCoins